Bird wire strikes are a worldwide phenomenon potentially causing major outages or asset damage as well as further endangerment or killing some rare and protected species.
Our 3D ROTAMARKA Marker Bird flight Diverter has been specifically designed to mitigate against these risks faced by Electrical Transmission and Distribution Utilities throughout the world.
New Marker:
Comes with ADR approved reflectors for excellent reflective capability.
3D Design:
- 3D design provides enhanced visibility from all angles of approach
- Aerodynamic design rotates for high impact visibility
Professor Graham Martin:
Designed in collaboration with Professor of Avian Sensory Sciences
“When it comes to the design of stimuli that can be readily detected at the greatest distance then high internal contrast using black and white will always give optimum performance”
Colour Wheel:
- Colour wheel – DAY
- Mono wheel – NIGHT
- Black & White elements provide the highest contrast in low light enhancing detectability by Birds.
- Custom white colour fins reflects both sun and moon light and imitates the native signalling present in the plumage of some bird species
- Complex algorithms have been utilised to optimise the size and shape of the Marker to allow Birds across a range of species sufficient time to avoid a collision
Reduce line loading by design, Less weight better clearance:
Installation options:
*4Nm recommended tightening torque
Product & Codes:
Bird Diverter
Birds interacting with Power Lines are an ongoing threat to Utilities and the reliable serving of electricity to millions of customers. Often overhead power lines cross sensitive ecosystems and can impact on the natural habitat in these areas.
Utility Engineers know this and seek to minimize the impact on said environment by limiting or mitigating the unintended impact of these structures. Typically Engineers will work with Environmental groups and consult many stakeholders to realise a well rounded solution to wildlife interactions with the Power Grid. Seeking to reduce costly outages and asset damage, while reducing the impact of wildlife.
This is a win win for all involved and can greatly boost the Utilities credentials and public image in this space. There is no doubt, that reliable electricity supply is more critical than ever in peoples lives and while they expect this as a part of modern living, they are often not prepared to tolerate any negative impact on the environment. As more and more electrical infrastructure is built to service the needs of growing population centers, interactions between wildlife and electricity grids will only increase.
Whether this be from overhead power line collisions and birds, or electrocution of birds and wildlife by contact interphase or phase to a ground potential. There a range of solutions designed to assist Utilities juggle these sometimes competing responsibilities. Often these solutions come in a particular style or type. E.g. Covers are used to prevent contact around cross arms or on the lines themselves. These type of covers act as a physical barrier and are usually rated to a particular voltage. One common risk is large birds with larger wing spans, sitting on the Cross Arm of Utility Poles.
When they spread their wings they “bridge” the phases which commonly results in electrocution and instant death of the bird. Other species of wildlife can also fall victim such as Monkeys, Squirrels, Bats and other creatures that climb or fly. Power Line collisions are an equally potential threat and often impact migrating bird species. This can occur more so on transmission lines which have higher elevation than typical Distribution or lower voltage lines.
Transmission Lines include multiple extra high voltage phase wires, however, the birds often see these and in order to avoid them, will elevate their flight pattern which unfortunately brings them into direct collision course with the much thinner and harder to see Earth or Ground wire. Certain bird species are more vulnerable to these collisions than others such as geese, wild fowl, raptors, bustards amongst many others.
This range of species are vulnerable for different reasons, for instance, The Canadian Goose has poor vision combined with slow reaction speed making it highly vulnerable to Transmission and Distribution Lines. Raptors have excellent eyesight, but due to foraging patterns, focus on potential prey on the ground and can collide with the Power Lines because they are simply not looking in a horizontal trajectory.
Bird Diverter work well when installed on these Power Lines, by making them highly visible to birds across a range of species. The Bird Diverter are typically customised to maximize its visual impact such as internally contrasting colour patterns (makes it visible in all daylight conditions), photoluminescent features which absorb Ultraviolet light and charge during the day, and emit various wavelengths of light during the night. Birds like humans, respond well to moving articles. Bird Diverters which combine elements of movement, contrasting colours, photoluminescence and three dimensional form have the biggest impact on birds.